For Every Care in the World
Strongsville Family Health and Surgery Center
General Pediatrics, Allergy, Cardiology, Behavioral Health, Gastroenterology, Rheumatology
Twinsburg Family Health & Surgery Center
General Pediatrics, Cardiology, Behavioral Health, Endocrinology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Urology
Wooster Family Health Center
General Pediatrics
Cleveland Clinic Children's is dedicated to the medical, surgical and rehabilitative care of infants, children and adolescents. We offer inpatient and outpatient care at our main campus and many of our regional hospitals and family health centers throughout Northeast Ohio.
We Are Here to Help
Cleveland Clinic can provide important information to determine the best path for your care, and help you get to the nation’s #1 heart program. Patients from all 50 states and 136 countries have traveled to Cleveland for the best treatment from our experienced caregivers. Learn more about our exceptional outcomes.
Traveling for Heart Surgery at Cleveland Clinic
If you need heart care, you want the best specialist at the best hospital. But they might not be in your hometown, your state or even your country. You can still receive state-of-the-art care from the nation’s best heart program. Traveling to Cleveland Clinic is more comfortable and convenient than you might think.
Learn more about traveling to Cleveland Clinic.
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Roy Miller, MD
Roy Miller, MD
Specialty care for specific health needs
Your child’s pediatrician can handle general medical issues, but when it comes to more in-depth problems (such as skin, eye, heart or neurological issues, to name a few), your pediatrician may refer you to a pediatric specialist.
“Pediatric specialists back up the pediatrician, providing expertise in specific organ systems. We diagnose and treat specific conditions the pediatrician may find suspect,” advises Benjamin Hammond, MD, a Cleveland Clinic Children’s pediatric cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic Medina Medical Office Building. “We work as a team to simplify the complexities for our patients and help them to focus on what matters most — their health.”
Roy Miler, MD
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Roy Miler, MD
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore e.
Have you been diagnosed and need surgery?
- If you need heart surgery, the first step is finding your heart surgeon. There are important questions you should ask to find the best heart surgeon for your condition.
- There are many resources available to patients traveling to Cleveland Clinic for heart surgery. Learn more about heart surgery at Cleveland Clinic.
Are you seeking heart care, searching for a diagnosis or in need of a second opinion?
- Learn more about heart care at Cleveland Clinic, and why we have been ranked the #1 heart program since 1995.
- Access free heart treatment guides, educational resources about dozens of diseases and conditions.
Have you been diagnosed and need surgery?
- If you need heart surgery, the first step is finding your heart surgeon. There are important questions you should ask to find the best heart surgeon for your condition.
- There are many resources available to patients traveling to Cleveland Clinic for heart surgery. Learn more about heart surgery at Cleveland Clinic.
Akron General Medical Office Building, Tallmadge
General Pediatrics
Brunswick Family Health Center
General Pediatrics
Hudson Express & Outpatient Care
General Pediatrics
Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute (Miller Family)
9500 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44195

Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital for Rehabilitation
18101 Lorain Ave
Cleveland, OH 44111
Open 24 hours
(216) 476-7000
Emergency room:
Open 24 hours
Need pediatric care? Connect with Cleveland Clinic Children’s now.
To schedule an appointment with a Cleveland Clinic Children’s provider, call 216.444.5437.
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