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Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis

Comprehensive and Personalized MS Care

Assess our free guide and learn about our treatment approach for individualized care

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Cleveland Clinic’s Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis is dedicated to providing ongoing care for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Because the presentation and course of MS can vary greatly among individuals, our multidisciplinary team will provide a personalized management plan for each patient’s needs. In every case, you will be offered the best treatment options to aid in prevention of future relapses, new MRI lesions and disability progression.

By accessing our treatment guide, you will learn more about the following treatment options for multiple sclerosis:

  • Injectable and oral medications
  • Infusion treatments, delivered in our 12-chair infusion center at our main campus and at other Cleveland Clinic locations
  • Experimental treatments through clinical trials, like stem cell transplantation with biologic therapies for treatment-resistant relapsing MS

Virtual Visits Available 

Cleveland Clinic offers virtual visit appointments, allowing you to meet with a specialist from the comfort of your home, using a mobile device or computer. Call today to schedule a virtual visit. 


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To schedule an appointment with one of our specialists

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