Same-Day Appointments Available
Please Call: 216.444.5437

Same-Day Appointments Available

For Everyday Care and a Family-Friendly Experience

Access our Free Children's Health Guide.

Access Our Children's Health Guide

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At Cleveland Clinic Children’s, our team puts kids and families first while providing an extra dose of compassion. This level of care begins at birth and continues to adulthood. It's important for parents to understand what children go through at each stage of development.

Download our free guide to learn what you should be asking your pediatrician at your well-child visits during these four crucial periods of development:

  • Babies: Newborn thru 24 months
  • Preschoolers: Ages 2-5
  • School Age: Ages 6-12
  • Teens: Ages 13-17

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Virtual Visits Available

Cleveland Clinic Children's offers virtual visit appointments, allowing you to meet with a specialist from the comfort of your home, using a mobile device or computer. Call today to schedule a virtual visit.

Did you Know?

You can now self-schedule online with our primary care pediatricians? Visit

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To schedule an appointment with one of our specialists

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