Lupus Treatment
Request an Appointment:
216.444.2606 (Cleveland, Ohio)
330.344.7820 (Akron, Ohio)
Across the United States, 1.5 million people are living with systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) — better known by its common name, lupus.
The symptoms and outcomes of this autoimmune disease can vary greatly, from mild joint and skin problems to conditions affecting the heart, kidneys and/or nervous system. That is why it is crucial to seek early diagnosis and treatment with a specialist.
Download our free Lupus Treatment Guide to learn more about:
- The four forms of lupus and the organs it affects
- Causes and symptoms
- Who is most at risk for developing lupus
- The latest treatment options
- Tips on how to live with lupus
Area for additional content if necessary

To schedule a consultation with our lupus specialists, please call 216.444.2606 (Cleveland, Ohio) or 330.344.7820 (Akron, Ohio).

Did You Know?
Cleveland Clinic has a comprehensive Lupus Clinic – including rheumatologists, nephrologists and dermatologists – who specialize in treating patients with lupus.

Request an Appointment
To schedule an appointment with one of our specialists

Did You Know?
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